Park ecological resources

Its unique alpine ecosystem

Mt. Siguniang Geopark is part of one of the 36 global biodiversity hotspots (Southwest China). Its unique alpine ecosystem nurtures a rich biodiversity, making it a crucial ecological barrier and corridor for flora and fauna in China, with significant international importance for terrestrial biodiversity.
Preliminary surveys and data indicate that the geopark hosts 2,343 species of vascular plants, spanning 123 families and 536 genera.There are many rare and endemic species, including nine species listed as key national protected wild plants, such as Kingdonia uniflora Balf. f. & W. W. Sm and Meconopsis punicea Maxim. It is also home to approximately 103 species of large fungi, with two species listed as key national protected fungi, both of which fall under the second-class national protection.
The geopark is inhabited by 343 species of wild animals, including 23 species under national first-class protection and 55 species under second-class protection. Among the nationally protected animals, there are 43 species of birds, 32 species of mammals, and 3 species of amphibians.

Vertical Zonation of Vegetation

Vegetation distribution varies due to differences in hydrothermal conditions. When hydrothermal conditions change regularly with altitude, mountain vegetation will be distributed in a striped pattern, known as vertical zonation of vegetation. Mount Siguniang is one of the regions in Sichuan Province and even the whole country where the subalpine and alpine vegetation in high-altitude areas is relatively well-preserved, with obvious vertical zonation of vegetation.

Kingdom of Plants

Hippophae rhamnoides

Hippophae rhamnoides

Rhodiola crenulata

Rhodiola crenulata

Meconopsis punicea

Meconopsis punicea

Sinopodophyllum hexandrum

Sinopodophyllum hexandrum

Cypripedium tibeticum

Cypripedium tibeticum

Saussurea medusa

Saussurea medusa

Paeonia decomposita

Paeonia decomposita

Larix mastersiana

Larix mastersiana

Meconopsis integrifolia

Meconopsis integrifolia

Animal Home

Snow leopard

Snow leopard



Rhyacornis fuliginosus

Rhyacornis fuliginosus

Phoenicurus auroreus

Phoenicurus auroreus

Ailurus fulgens

Ailurus fulgens

Cervus albirostris

Cervus albirostris

Budorcas taxicolor

Budorcas taxicolor

Elaphodus cephalophus

Elaphodus cephalophus

Gypaetus barbatus

Gypaetus barbatus

Falco cherrug

Falco cherrug

Lophophorus lhuysii

Lophophorus lhuysii

Tragopan temminckii

Tragopan temminckii

Grandala coelicolor

Grandala coelicolor