Boundary Delineation and Explanation of the Relationship with World Heritage Site

Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries—Wolong, Mt.Siguniang, and Jiajin Mountains World Heritage Site

The Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries World Heritage Site (hereinafter referred to as the heritage site) is located in the Qionglai Mountains between the Chengdu Plain and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It spans 12 counties and cities across the Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Ya’an City, Chengdu City, and the Garzê Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province. The specific geographical coordinates of the heritage site are between 102°08′45″E to 103°23′45″E longitude and 29°53′47″N to 31°21′49″N latitude. The heritage site covers an area of 9,245 km2, with a buffer zone of 5,271 km2, making the total area of the heritage site and its buffer zone 14,516 km2.

Relationship Between the Geopark Boundary and the Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries—Wolong, Siguniang Mountain, and Jiajin Mountains World Heritage Site

In August 2023, the proposed boundary of the Mt. Siguniang Geopark for its application as a UNESCO Global Geopark was determined to be 2,764.01 km2. The southern part of the Mt. Siguniang Geopark is part of the Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries—Wolong, Mt. Siguniang, and Jiajin Mountains World Heritage Site. The overlapping area covers 1,737.10 km2, which constitutes 62.85% of the Geopark’s total area. This includes a core zone overlap of 822.98 km2 and a buffer zone overlap of 914.13 km2, representing 29.77% and 33.07% of the Geopark’s total area, respectively.

A UNESCO Global Geopark must be a single, unified geographical area. The inhabited and developed areas of Mt. Siguniang Geopark are primarily located in river valleys and cannot be spatially separated from the world heritage site. Most of the overlapping areas are remote mountainous forest regions that are inaccessible to people.

Giant Panda Sancturies World Heritage Site is managed through a three-tier system: provincial, municipal or prefectural, and heritage site levels. At the provincial level, the Sichuan Provincial World Heritage Management Committee makes decisions on major issues related to the protection and management of world heritage sites throughout the province. At the municipal or prefectural level, relevant management mechanisms are established according to actual conditions. At the heritage site level, units are responsible for managing specific heritage components. Mt. Siguniang heritage management unit adopts the organizational structure and personnel allocation of the Mt. Siguniang National Nature Reserve Administration (Mt. Siguniang National Geopark Administration), establishing a heritage protection and management office with dedicated staff responsible for protection and management tasks. The actual management of the Mt. Siguniang Geopark and the Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries—Wolong, Mt. Siguniang, and Jiajin Mountains World Heritage Site is conducted by the same management organization, operating as two entities under one administration, allowing for the unified formulation, implementation, and effective enforcement of management measures. Since the establishment of the Mt. Siguniang National Nature Reserve in 1996, efforts have been focused on protecting wild flora and fauna. The management administration has introduced, refined, and implemented various protection measures and regulations to ensure strict protection of major rare and endangered species and their habitats, preventing damage and illegal construction activities. Overall, the reserve has been effectively managed, maintaining stable ecosystems and habitats for key species. Over 20 years of development outside the reserve, the Geopark has achieved multiple brand recognitions, such as national 5A-level tourist attractions, and has seen positive tourism development trends, contributing to the comprehensive economic and cultural development of the region.

Achievements in Conservation and Development of the Geopark

Mt. Siguniang National Geopark was officially established in September 2005 by the former Ministry of Land and Resources of the People’s Repblic of China and officially opened on November 20, 2009. In April 2022, the Geopark officially began its application to join the UNESCO Global Geoparks. Since its establishment, government support and a r management system have ensured effective operation. The park has made significant progress in infrastructure, public transportation, public interpretation systems, information and environmental education, geological heritage protection, and international cooperation, fostering a positive trend of sustainable regional development.

(一)Robust Management and Protection System

The management body of Mt. Siguniang Geopark is the Mt. Siguniang National Nature Reserve Administration (Mt. Siguniang National Geopark Administration), which is state-owned with clear legal status and ownership. The Geopark’s boundaries are well-defined, and its conservation objectives are specific. The Geopark has a complete management structure and regulations, effectively ensuring the protection, management, and sustainable use of its resources. The management body adheres to the policy of “strict conservation, integrated management, sustaninable development, and sustainability,” employing legal, institutional, economic, and scientific methods to build a comprehensive protection system. Experts committee have formulated detailed plans, such as the “Mt. Siguniang Geopark Master Plan (2024-2035),” establishing a scientific planning system for classified and zoned protection of geological heritage. The Geopark has enacted regulations for geological heritage protection, patrol systems, and tourism behavior management, institutionalizing and standardizing its protection efforts. To effectively protect geological heritage and promote sustainable local economic development, the Mt. Siguniang National Nature Reserve Administration (Mt. Siguniang National Geopark Administration) and the People’s Government of Xiaojin County have actively secured various funds for geological heritage protection and poverty alleviation. As of 2022, they have accumulated 16 million yuan in funding for the protection of geological heritage and related infrastructure, effectively safeguarding key geological landscapes such as the “Xikang-type” folds in the Songpan-Garzê orogenic belt and the high mountain peaks of Mt. Siguniang. Collaborations with prestigious universities and research institutions, such as Peking University and China University of Geosciences, provide strong intellectual support for the Geopark’s protection efforts.

The Geopark has established four types of monitoring systems to better monitor various indicators within the Geopark, including visitors, resources, environment, and safety. These systems are staffed with professional personnel and equipped to detect and respond quickly to emergencies. The Geopark implements a fire prevention mechanism focused on prevention and rapid response, enhancing joint forest protection efforts with surrounding communities, achieving a forest coverage rate of 48.4% and a vegetation coverage rate of 79.1%.

The Geopark actively conducts scientific research on biological resources such as Paeonia decomposita, Hippophae rhamnoides, Ailuropoda melanoleuca, Ailurus fulgens and Rhinopithecus roxellana, promoting biodiversity recovery and protection. Surveys indicate the Geopark is home to 2,343 species of vascular plants and 343 species of wild animals.

The Geopark emphasizes the preservation and protection of intangible cultural heritage, publishing over 30 cultural journals, monographs, textbooks, and audiovisual materials, and regularly organizing intangible cultural heritage activities. Currently, there are two national intangible cultural heritage items: Tibetan weaving and embroidery techniques, and Sichuan-Tibetan folk songs; one provincial item, Ma’er Guozhuang Dance; 37 prefecture-level items; and 61 county-level items.

Under a comprehensive protection system and management regulations, the Geopark’s geological heritage, flora and fauna resources, and cultural resources have been scientifically protected and reasonably utilized.

(二)Significant Impact on Regional Sustainable Development

Infrastructure: Leveraging established brands within the Geopark, such as National 5A-level Tourist Attractions, National Scenic and Historic Interest Area, and National Nature Reserves, the area boasts mature infrastructure for accommodation, transportation, communication, tourism shopping, and sanitation. Some areas have relatively complete facilities, including museums, visitor centers, patrol facilities, and tourist pathways.

Community Development: The Geopark has always regarded surrounding communities as key stakeholders, actively encouraging residents to participate in Geopark management, respecting their rights, and promoting regional economic development while sharing development achievements with the community. On one hand, local residents are guided to open boutique inns, specialty agricultural product stores, and tourism goods shops to create wealth. Currently, there are 375 accommodation facilities within the Geopark. Residents are encouraged to participate in tourism companies and Geopark management through land transfers, property rentals, and employment, creating conditions for widespread participation in geotourism. On the other hand, the Geopark’s tourism brand drives regional development, generating direct economic benefits and increasing community income. According to the Xiaojin County Culture, Sports, and Tourism Bureau, the Geopark received 3.406 million visitors in 2023, generating revenue of 2.21 billion yuan. By 2025, it is estimated that the Geopark will receive over 5 million visitors, directly employing 6,000 people in tourism and indirectly providing jobs and income for 20,000 people. As the Geopark develops, more community residents will benefit.

In recent years, local residents have begun to experience the benefits brought by the development of the Geopark. As the sustainable development concept of the UNESCO Global Geoparks “Celebrating Earth Heritage, Sustaining Local Communities” continues to spread, community residents increasingly understand the significance and value of creating a Global Geopark brand. The desire to join the Global Geoparks Network(GGN) is strengthening, leading to broader participation in the construction and management of the Geopark.

(三)Significant Achievements in Science Popularization Capacity Building

In terms of geological heritage conservation and geoscience popularization, Mt. Siguniang Geopark has been designated as a “National Environmental Science Popularization Base,” “Sichuan Province Geoscience Research and Travel Base,” “National Eco-Environmental Science Popularization Base,” “National Land Resources Science Popularization Base,” and “Joint Ecological Observation Base.” Since its establishment, numerous universities and research institutions from both home and abroad have visited and studied at the Geopark, organizing over ten scientific expeditions. The Geopark has educated approximately 80,000 young people, indigenous residents, and managers, deeply embedding the concept of geological heritage protection. The Geopark has established a comprehensive database, an online monitoring system, and a museum cluster, showcasing geological heritage resources and values through visitor centers, science popularization corridors, and signage systems. Various science popularization routes focusing on geology, biology, and culture are offered to cater to visitors of different ages, knowledge levels, and visit durations. The Geopark has also set up main and subsidiary geological Geopark monuments to enhance visibility, actively engaging in geoscience education activities. Over 60 promotional leaflets and science education materials have been compiled to increase public awareness of geological heritage and the natural environment, fostering a deeper connection between people and the planet.

(四)Fruitful Achievements in International Exchange and Cooperation

The Geopark places great emphasis on international exchange and cooperation, with a dedicated department—the International Exchange and Cooperation Office—responsible for managing these activities. This department represents the Geopark in interactions, meetings, and projects with other Geoparks and relevant entities. In recent years, Mt. Siguniang Geopark has participated in various international online and offline meetings organized by UNESCO Global Geoparks. It has conducted on-site visits to Xingyi UNESCO Global Geopark, Xiangxi UNESCO Global Geopark, and Zhangye UNESCO Global Geopark, and established sister park relationships with Zigong UNESCO Global Geopark, significantly enhancing its visibility within the Global Geopark Network and accumulating valuable experience for better construction and development of the Geopark. The Geopark annually hosts events such as ice climbing festivals and international trail running races, which have raised the global profile of the Mt. Siguniang area, attracting tourists from both domestic and international regions and driving continuous regional development.

Complementary and Mutually Reinforcing Brands

UNESCO Global Geoparks and World Heritage Sites are two of UNESCO’s major designations. Global Geoparks adhere to the philosophy of “celebrating the wonders of nature and fostering sustainable regional development,” focusing on the protection of valuable geological heritage, the promotion of scientific understanding, and regional sustainable development. They serve as an inclusive, open, cooperative, and developmental international cooperation mechanism and platform, welcoming interaction, cooperation, and joint development with other designations.

On one hand, the southern part of Mt. Siguniang Geopark is part of the Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries World Heritage Site. The overlapping areas between the Geopark and the heritage site contain a wide variety of geologically significant sites that exemplify the diverse geological processes of the Songpan-Garzê orogenic belt. Including these in the World Heritage Site facilitates a more comprehensive display of important geological and natural heritage within the Geopark, highlighting the geological and biological diversity of the Mt. Siguniang area. This aligns with the Global Geopark’s mission to promote scientific understanding, helping local communities and visitors better comprehend the regio’s geological evolution and biological ecology. It aids in showcasing the grandeur of Quaternary glaciers, granite landscapes, metamorphic rock relics, and their structural landforms to the world, furthering research into the geological and biological resources of the Mt. Siguniang area, enhancing its academic status in Earth sciences, and accelerating its leap-forward development and competitive advantage.

On the other hand, establishing the Global Geopark brand can help local communities and visitors better understand the region’s geological evolution history, raising public awareness of the protection of geological, cultural, and biological diversity. This effectively promotes regional economic development, generating significant economic benefits while securing greater economic revenue and funding for the conservation of the World Heritage site, thereby supporting the ecological protection achievements of the Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries World Heritage Site. It truly facilitates interdisciplinary research among UNESCO brands, enhances community collaboration, and jointly commits to the protection of Earth’s resources and the dissemination of Earth’s stories.

In conclusion, Mt. Siguniang Geopark and the Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries World Heritage Site can complement, rely on, and promote each other, achieving coordinated development.